In his formative years, Jeremy Diamond (writer/actor/producer)
worked as a night watchman in a funeral home. Gazing for hours on
end at antiseptic white walls while talking to himself helped him
develop his febrile imagination and “voice”. Staring
down death’s gaping maw week after week (after week) endowed
him with a spirited sense of humour and a singular perspective on
David Craig (illustrator) is a licensed dentist. Trained
in the oral arts, good with his hands and a gifted mold-maker, Dave
soon became convinced that the artistry of dentistry could be applied
to drawing pretty pictures, and that the world of televised entertainment
promised almost as much excitement as his chosen profession. He
continues to prove himself right.
Jonas Diamond (executive producer) is a hardened veteran
of the Y2K Wars. Preparing all Ontario schools and hospitals for
the impending onslaught of the millennium bug, Jonas stood on the
front lines in the battle against computer chaos – and prevailed!
It was during this bleak period of human history that he learned
his proposal-writing skills, shmoozemanship, and hand-to-mouse combat.
Adrian Carter (director/ editor/ producer) was an ecologist
in the Outback (Gumli Gumli, Wagga Wagga) working on his seminal
thesis “Growth and Water Use of Eucalyptus Grandis and Pinus
Radiata Plantations Irrigated with Effluent” when the lure
of civilization and television production brought him home, whereupon
he forsook saving the world for amusing it.
The Virtuoso:
Before this, Denny Silverthorne Jr. (director / editor/
musician/ producer) never worked a day in his life.