Master flash files and bitmaps of every piece
of art used in this season of Odd Job Jack. Every character,
prop, and background from every episode plus tutorials and other
support material. All free to hack, use, remix under a share-friendly
license. |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. |

We love animation and we just know you
do too. We're proud of Odd Job Jack and we've put lots of work into
our show. Our art deserves to live beyond broadcast and who better
to give a free gift to than the entire planet?

Every Monday during our 13 episode broadcast
we will release a new set of files. First episode air July 22nd.
The torrent will be available the following Monday.

These files are big so we have to use a
dirty little protocol called bit torrent.
Browse through the files here.
Check here for the torrent
file or check a notorious tracker site like this
one or this
How do I bit torrent you ask? Find out here. |